Live more Consciously


To become all you can be, you must live more consciously. You must become more alert, more aware and more awake. You must take more control over your thought process so that the combines power of the various mental laws is moving you  in the direction of your own choosing rather than steering you blindly on a form of mental autopilot.

As you stand back and appreciate the incredibly complex, interconnected events that have brought you to where you are in life right now, you will begin to develop the perspective of the philosopher, of the superior intellect. You begin to superimpose on your experience what is called a “sense of coherence”, an attitude and a feeling that your life is part of something greater that yourself and that everything  fits together and happens for a reason.

As you think of your life as a series of events and experiences that are conspiring toward your achieving some great goal or making some great contribution to mankind, you begin to develop a “sense of destiny”, the hallmark of potential greatness as a human being.

Brian Tracy

The Reality Principle



Once you have decided upon your values, vision, mission, purpose, and goals, the next step is for you to analyze your starting point. Exactly where are you today, and how are you doing, in each of the important areas of your life, especially as they relate to your goals?

Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric for many years, once said that the most important quality of leadership is the “reality principle”. He defined this as the ability to see the world as it really is, not as you wish it were.

If you want to be the best you can be and achieve what is truly possible for you, you must be brutally honest with yourself about your point of departure. You must sit down and analyze yourself in detail to decide exactly where you are today in each area.

Brian Tracy

Psychozoic Age


We have passed from a world based on material limitations into a world that is determined by mental concepts. We have moved from the age of things into the “Psychozoic Age”, the age of the mind. Wealth and opportunities are contained more in the person you are and the way you think than in the assets you have acquired in life so far. Your future lies more in your ability to apply your mind and intelligence to your work and your life than it does in your current job or situation.

To achieve something you’ve never achieved before, you will have to think in ways you have never thought before.

Throughout your life, you must constantly thinking about all the things you can do, in every area, to increase the probabilities that you will be successful in achieving your goals. You should leave nothing to chance. You should refuse to wish or hope, or trust to luck. You must take control of your situation. You are responsible.

Brian Tracy

The Law of Subconscious Activity




The Law of Subconscious Activity states that any idea or thought that you accept as true in your conscious mind will be accepted without question by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will immediately begin working to bring it into your reality. 

Your subconscious mind is the seat of the Law of Attraction, the sending station of mental vibrations and thought energy. When you begin to believe that something is possible for you, your subconscious mind begins broadcasting mental energies and you begin to attract people and circumstances in harmony with your new dominant thoughts. 

When you begin thinking about a new goal, your subconscious takes this new thought as a command. It begins to adjust your words and actions so they are more consistent with your achieving it. You begin to do and say the right things at the right time to help you more toward it.

Brian Tracy

Two Forms of Imagination





  1. Synthetic Imagination: through this faculty, one may arrange old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combination. This faculty creates nothing. It merely works with the material of experience, education, and observation with which it is fed.
  2. Creative Imagination: Through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. It is the faculty through which “hunches” and “inspirations” are received. It is by this faculty that all the basic, or new ideas are handed over to man.

Napoleon Hill  

Investor Vs Trader




The investment had to make sense today, not tomorrow. I say this because too many people have the buy, hold, and pray strategy. Rich dad always said, “Your profit is made when you buy, not when you sell.” Every property we bought had to have a positive cash flow on the day we bought it, and it had to have a positive cash flow even in a bad economy. 

Know the difference between being an investor and a trader. We were investors when we were willing to buy and hold the properties for their cash flow. We were traders when we knew our entry as week as our exit strategy. In other words, an investor buy to hold. A trader buy to sell. It you want to retire rich, you need to know how they are different and how to be both.

If you can understand this principle of investing, you will understand what the velocity of money means. It means you want your money back as quickly as possible so it can be reinvested to acquire other assets.

Robert T. Kiyosaki

A Company is A Culture




We do better in cultures in which we are good fits. We do better in places that reflect our own values and beliefs. Just as the goal is not to do business with anyone who simply want what you have, but to do business with people who believe what you believe, so too is it beneficial to live and work in a place where you will naturally thrive because your values and beliefs align with the values and beliefs of that culture. 

Now consider what a company is. A company is a culture. A group of people brought together around a common set of values and beliefs.

The goal is not to hire people who simply have a skill set you need, the goal is to hire people who believe what you believe.

The goal is to hire those who are passionate for your WHY, your purpose, cause and belief, and who have the attitude that fits in your culture. Once that is established, only then should their skills set and experience be evaluated.

Great people don’t hire skilled people and motivate them, they hire already motivated people and inspire them.

Simon Sinek 

The Most Destructive Word


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“The most life-destroying word of all is the word tomorrow.” He said, “The poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, and the unhealthy are the ones who use the word tomorrow the most.” These people will often say things like, “I’ll start investing tomorrow” or “I’ll start reading tomorrow”. Rich dad said the word tomorrow is the word that destroys more lives than any other single word. He said, “The problem with the word tomorrow is that I have never seen a tomorrow. Tomorrows do not exist. Tomorrows only exist in the mind of dreamers and losers. People who put off till tomorrow find that the sins and bad habits of their past eventually catch up with them.” He finished his comment by saying. “I have never seen a tomorrow. All I have are todays. Today is the word for winners. Tomorrow is the word for losers.”

Robert T. Kiyosaki

The Power of Purpose


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Purpose is the primary fuel of ambition. Purpose create a destination. We can only become fully engaged in life when we feel that we are doing something that really matters. Purpose is what inspires us, lights us up, and floats our boats. 

The morality of Alexander’s ambitious purpose notwithstanding, it’s very clear that once he had lost it, he rapidly lost everything. If we are to succeed in our endeavors toward greatness, we must learn and apply this final lesson of Alexander’s to our journey. Simply put: if purpose dies, the entire adventure quickly follows suit. 

But what is a purpose, exactly? The dictionary defines it as follows: The reason why something is done or why something exists. It is something set up as an object or an end to be attained; an intention.

Where the goal is the what, the purpose is the all-important why.The purpose gives goals meaning. When the intention to make something happen is weak – when you’re just not feeling the “fire” – it’s not going to happen. People that ignore purpose don’t go very far in life. Nobody can love what they don’t feel in their hearts.

Sean Patrick

The Nobility of Being a Journeyer


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After dinner Mandela stands and gives a stirring talk. His theme: we must all care for one another – this is our task in life. But also we must care for ourselves, which means we must be careful  in our decisions, careful in our relationships, careful in our statements. We must manage our lives carefully, in order to avoid becoming victims.

Finally, Mandela talks about the road he’s traveled. He talks about the difficulty of all human journeys – and yet, he says, there is clarity and nobility in just being a journeyer. When he stops speaking and takes his chair I know that my journey, compared with his, is nothing, and yet that’s not his point. Mandela is saying that every journey is important, and that no journey is impossible.

Andre Agassi